It is one of the most common uncontrollable infections in the world. From 90 to 98% of the world’s population is infected with herpes virus. In the European Union countries, the United States, Canada, herpes virus carriers are from 30 to 50% of the population, and in the third world – from 80 to 90%, and in 50% of cases, the disease recurs at least once a year, because stable immunity to the virus does not exist. Over the past 10 years a surge of herpes infection with a similar situation has been observed in many countries around the world. It should be noted that the lower the standard of living of society, the more people get labial herpes. So, in developing countries almost 100% of the population have herpes type 1, and in developed countries – not more than 50%.

Carrier of HPV can be a source of infection in the presence or absence of symptoms of the disease. The most common way of infection is through contact. Normal skin contact, kissing, sharing utensils, contact with the saliva of a sick person, staying in the same room with a sick person is enough. After 18-20 hours, the virus penetrates into the intercellular space, blood and lymph. The patient’s condition is similar to that of the flu. Local redness, itching, and groups of blisters filled with fluid which break down to form ulcers appear at the site of penetration of the HPV as a result of its reproduction. Herpes virus can cause ophthalmic herpes, herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia.

The arsenal of drugs used to treat patients with herpes infection is quite extensive, and the problem of stopping the disease is solved with immunomodulators, interferon inducers and acyclovir-containing drugs. If you want to buy herpes medications or pills for hair loss, you need to find a reliable seller. This will help you buy only quality medication at affordable prices.

Herpes treatment

Herpes infection should be treated pathogenetically and isotropically. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase the immunological reactivity of the body, on the other hand – to act directly on the herpes virus by using specific antiviral drugs, which should easily penetrate the cell, have high bioavailability and low toxicity.

An effective drug to treat patients with labial herpes and to prevent its complications is acyclovir, whose active metabolite – acyclovir triphosphate is built into the DNA of the herpes virus, forming defective DNA, which blocks the replication of the virus.

One of the drugs containing acyclovir as an active ingredient is herpes cream. An important component of the cream is propylene glycol, which facilitates rapid penetration of the antiviral drug into cells. Thanks to the propylene glycol base, the cream does not leave a greasy residue on the skin.

This cream is active against HPV types 1 and 2, Varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. Applying the cream on the skin acyclovir practically does not enter the bloodstream and has no systemic action. The cream is applied in a thin layer to the infected and adjacent to the lesion site 5 times a day (every 4 hours) for 5 days. The duration of treatment shall not exceed 10 days.

If within 10 days the symptoms of labial herpes do not disappear, you should consult a doctor, because this disease may be a manifestation of another pathology that requires appropriate treatment. Thus, a prolonged course of labial herpes (more than 30 days) can be a sign of severe deterioration of the immune status against the background of HIV infection, some tumors and lymphoproliferative diseases. On a specialized website you can find out herpes medication cost and purchase the necessary medications.